peace nowhere?
Do you ever feel that peace is nowhere to be found in your life?
Are you aware of a mind which seems to channel hop continuously between past and future, what-ifs and maybes?

Like watching a TV when you can't get your hands on the remote control!
But to see this channel hopping mind is the first step to finding the mute button... or even the off switch! To see the mind as doing what it has always done without being drawn into it so completely

Deep within each of us is a place of complete peace... maybe from time to time you have had brief glimpses of that peace? During meditation or watching a beautiful sunset or totally absorbed in something you enjoy doing so that you are without thought completely. This peace is your natural state and is always there
Gaze for a moment at the picture of that magnificent iceberg. Look from the top of what we would normally perceive to be the whole iceberg... then allow your eyes to drop and realise how much lies below the surface. So it is with the human being... what we perceive to be ourselves is really just a mass of conditioning and the story we run in the head about "me". That really is just the tip of the iceberg and beneath that is the deepest peace
So if you clicked onto this website feeling peace nowhere in your life then stay with Sally for...